Writing expressions

Expressions are used in a number of ways for configuring your functions. They are used for:

All expressions are defined using the Common Expression Language (CEL). CEL offers simple, fast, non-turing complete expressions. It allows Inngest to evaluate millions of expressions for all users at scale.

Types of Expressions

Within the scope of Inngest, expressions should evaluate to either a boolean or a value:

  • Booleans - Any expression used for conditional matching should return a boolean value. These are used in wait for event, cancellation, and the function trigger's if option.
  • Values - Other expressions can return any value which might be used as keys (for example, concurrency, rate limit, debounce or idempotency keys) or a dynamic value (for example, run priority).


  • event refers to the event that triggered the function run, in every case.
  • async refers to a new event in step.waitForEvent and cancellation. It's the incoming event which is matched asynchronously. This is only present when matching new events in a function run.


Most expressions are given the event payload object as the input. Expressions that match additional events (for example, wait for event, cancellation) will also have the async object for the matched event payload. To learn more, consult this reference of all the operators available in CEL.

Boolean Expressions

// Match a field to a string
"event.data.billingPlan == 'enterprise'"

// Number comparison
"event.data.amount > 1000"

// Combining multiple conditions
"event.data.billingPlan == 'enterprise' && event.data.amount > 1000"
"event.data.billingPlan != 'pro' || event.data.amount < 300"

// Compare the function trigger with an inbound event (for wait for event or cancellation)
"event.data.userId == async.data.userId"

// Alternatively, you can use JavaScript string interpolation for wait for event
`${userId} == async.data.userId` // => "user_1234 == async.data.userId"

Value Expressions


// Use the user's id as a concurrency key
"event.data.id" // => "1234"

// Concatenate two strings together to create a unique key
`event.data.userId + "-" + event.type` // => "user_1234-signup"

Dynamic Values

// Return a 0 priority if the billing plan is enterprise, otherwise return 1800
`event.data.billingPlan == 'enterprise' ? 0 : 1800`

// Return a value based on multiple conditions
`event.data.billingPlan == 'enterprise' && event.data.requestNumber < 10 ? 0 : 1800`


  • Use + to concatenate strings
  • Use == for equality checks
  • You can use single ' or double quotes " for strings, but we recommend sticking with one for code consistency
  • When working with the TypeScript SDK, write expressions within backticks ` to use quotes in your expression or use JavaScript's string interpolation.
  • Use ternary operators to return default values
  • When using the or operator (||), CEL will always return a boolean. This is different from JavaScript, where the or operator returns the value of the statement left of the operator if truthy. Use the ternary operator (?) instead of || for conditional returns.

Testing out expressions

You can test out expressions on Undistro's CEL Playground. It's a great way to quickly test out more complex expressions, especially with conditional returns.